Das bin ich!
My name is Nils Kalbfuss. I am from Eitorf, a little town embedded in forests in Western Germany. My life has already brought me to different destinations all over the world. After my Abitur, I stayed a year in Togo, volunteering in projects related to education and environment. During my studies of Molecular Biotechnology in Munich, I was able to go on exchange terms in Taiwan and Singapore. At the moment, I am pursuing a PhD at Ecole polytechnique féderale in beautiful Lausanne, just next to the mountains and lake Geneva. During my Bachelor’s and Master’s, I was working on plant adaptive responses to environmental stress (more specifically water stress). During my PhD, I was lucky to be in a group that is very open to all kind of “exotic” species to tackle questions in developmental and cell biology. I had a chance to go to Woods Hole close to Boston in the US to work on starfish which brought me a lot closer to all the fascinating species that live in our oceans. For me the plant world is a space for enjoyment and relaxation, no matter whether I am gardening, doing experiments or simply observing them. We take these plants for granted, but they are not. Many of them are endangered and I would like to raise awareness to this by using this blog.